Milk Bath Sessions now available 2020

I’ve been super excited to launch our first new session for 2020.

Our milk bath sessions are now live and available to purchase. I’m sure a few of you are wondering what on earth is a milk bath session?

I thought a blog would be the best way to talk about the new session, show off some recent images I’ve also had the pleasure of capturing and show you why I am totally loving these new sessions.

Filling the bathtub with warm water and adding our vegan friendly lavender scented milk bath mix. Giving the bath water that perfect milky look, leaving baby with soft skin along with smelling beautiful at the end of your session.

You have the option of flowers, foliage or fruit for your session this is added once we’ve settled little one into the water.

Our milk bath session is perfect for  baby’s who can sit unaided must be a confident sitter. This is the ideal alternative to our cake smash sessions, for your baby’s first birthday too. 

I want you to be totally relaxed for your session and not have to worry about a thing.  By supply everything for the session. Your session is made totally personal to you, once you’ve booked a session with me we will arrange a pre consulation call to discuss colours and ideas.

I’ve had so many mummy’s say oh I wish we could have one but they are for girls! No absolutely not, they work perfect for boys too. Foilage looks amazing and the splashing they create with the milk is just super cute.

Take a look below at some recent milk bath images. If you think this would be perfect for your little one please do get in touch to discuss details and get a date booked in.


Why to book a cake smash?

Your baby is turning one, another beautiful milestone moment in their life. You want to capture this time with beautiful images. Our cake smash session begins with a baby portrait giving you some beautiful first birthday images. You can bring an outfit for their portraits or they can wear their cake smash outfit for this.


Bringing the cake into the set up to let baby in their own time, play and eat the cake. Sometimes this can take a few moments as it’s something new and different to them. But watching them fascinated by it all is lovely, take in every moment and relive those moments of the past 12 months. 


Seeing your baby turn into this beautiful little character with their own stamp on things, their own ways and their cheeky laugh. Creating more memories with them and laughing along side them.


It’s the perfect way to capture their first birthday and a lovely idea for a morning or afternoon out together. Giving you images to look back on for a life time as they reach this milestone.
